Tuesday, July 12, 2011

*The following is a post I wrote back in December of 2010*

Before reading please realize what I am about to share is very personal and very painful. My one request before you continue: please keep any comments and questions about anything you read here off of facebook. I understand I am sharing this blog with tons of people since it is public, but I'd like to keep my facebook page a positive place. 

Life has a way of throwing these moments at you that are so perfectly predictable yet utterly unexpected*. Life launched a big one at me on the morning of December 15, 2010.  I made sure to catch that moment--and my breath--and stow it away deep into the depths of my heart and soul because it's not one I'd soon like to forget.

December 15th was the morning I found out D and I are GOING TO HAVE A BABY!**

When I was little I used to wonder what that moment would be like...finding out you're expecting. I imagined it would be just like you see on TV, in the movies, even in commercials. I would walk into the room where my unsuspecting spouse is casually lounging around and stand there with a big grin on my face. My husband would look at me and JUST KNOW --well, obviously, the elusive pregnancy glow radiating off my skin would be a dead giveaway and I would, of course, have a husband perceptive enough to notice it. There would be embracing, kissing, crying and, of course, soft, triumphant background music!

But, I have to admit, there was always another, slightly altered version of this moment floating around in the back of my head. And, if you're an 80s baby like me (well, and a female) there is no doubt in my mind that you, too, had the same vision in your head growing up. If you've spent many a Friday night glued to the TV to catch up on the latest antics of the Tanner family, you'll remember the episode where Aunt Becky told Uncle Jesse she was pregnant by cooking him a "baby-themed" dinner. I may have considered using that same idea when I was a "grown-up" for a good portion of my pre-teen years. And I say slightly altered because after my highly perceptive husband caught on to the baby theme of his main course, naturally there would be the embracing, kissing, crying and, of course, soft, triumphant background music introduced in scenario number one!

Alas, that early morning in December was nothing like either of those scenarios. In fact, D wasn't even home in the country! He was due back on Friday morning after spending the week in France. It was the two longest days of my life. However, it allowed me time to plot D's perfectly predictable yet utterly unexpected moment.

Here's how it went down: I purchased a onesie sporting the name and number of his favorite baseball player, Derek Jeter, similar to this one:

I wrapped it as a Christmas present and wrote out a nice Christmas card. The card was inside the present, underneath the onesie. When D opened the box, he saw the onesie first, then he read the card that explained this odd Christmas gift. I won't tell you what came next (embracing, kissing, crying, background music) but I will tell you I wouldn't have had it any other way. :-)

*I say predictable yet unexpected because although a couple "tries" to have a baby and it is predicted that you will one day, well, have one (in most cases)...there's still the unexpectedness of when it will occur. There's something to be said for the element of surprise! I liken this to a child (or a teenager...to each their own...) playing with a classic toy: Jack in the Box! As you turn the knob, you KNOW he's going to pop out. That's the predictable part. But WHEN? Even if you follow the song, there's the anticipation of the unexpected.

**Disclaimer for any family members just now stumbling upon my blog--wait, you're JUST NOW stumbling upon my blog?! Shame on you for not making me the center of your universe sooner. Well, now that you're here, STAY! You MUST STAY!-- ..Back to your regularly scheduled disclaimer: Please note this entry is backdated. I sit here writing this and making it a secret entry long before you all have found out our joyous news. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT think I confided in the entire internet about our impending bundle of joy before I shared the news with all of you! -12/29/10

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